Prof. Dr. Kunibert Lennerts is head of the Institute for Technology and Management in Construction at KIT. In this interview he talks about the importance of a long-term sustainability strategy, the importance of short-term measures and the topic of holism in the housing and real estate industry.
Christian Wehrmaker's day-to-day work focuses on the holistic networking of solutions, the integration of renewable energies and energy optimisation in existing buildings.
This year the issue of energy saving has taken on a new relevance among the wider public. Whereas in previous years one generally had the feeling that climate protection requirements were a tiresome duty that had to be performed, this year it is different: Triggered by Russiaʼs war in Ukraine and the associated supply and energy crisis, the issue has clearly gained traction.
noventic talk with Marco Hofmann, ZIA Committee Chairman for Digitalisation, and Dr Dirk Then, Managing Director of noventic GmbH, on the topic of data, digitalisation and climate protection in the housing industry.
noventic talk with Maria Hill, ZIA Committee Chairwoman for Energy and Building Technology, and Dr Dirk Then, Managing Director of noventic GmbH, at the 2022 Real Estate Industry Day on the topics of data protection in the housing industry, climate protection, energy and CO₂ savings in existing buildings (only available in German).
Whether the provision of consumption data visualisation has an impact on energy consumption in rented apartments was investigated in a study by energy anthropologist Babette Peulicke Slott of the Danish Technological Institute. Here you can find out what her findings were and whether visualisations do actually have an effect on consumption behaviour and thus on energy consumption.
Sabine Nallinger, Executive Director of the Foundation 2°, and Dr. Dirk Then, Managing Director of the noventic group, discuss how the industry can economically implement the new requirements of the Green Deal EU in the building sector.
Am 1. Juli 2020 hat Deutschland für ein halbes Jahr die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft übernommen. Neben dem Schwerpunktthema der Bekämpfung und Bewältigung sozioökonomischer Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie stehen auch Themen der Immobilienwirtschaft im Fokus. Welche das sind, beantwortet RA Thies Grothe, Head of Public Affairs der noventic group im Interview.
The Climate Cabinet will be holding its first meeting this week. This newly created body’s remit is to come up with draft legislation whereby Germany will be able to meet its climate targets for 2030 and 2050. What new legislative initiatives the new Climate Cabinet will actually bring about remains doubtful. Similarly doubtful is whether the federal government will finally make climate protection a priority and swiftly get the necessary measures off the ground. That will also take time. As the Environment Ministry’s climate protection report revealed on publication in February, Germany is not doing enough to achieve the 2020 climate protection targets. To push ahead with ambitious climate protection targets, legislative action will be indispensable.
Legal initiatives like the EED were designed to help limit climate change and promote more efficient use of energy. The amended EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) was passed by the EU Council of Ministers at the end of last year. A key component of the new directive is the provision of all-year-round consumption information for residents and the requirement to use radio metering technology for consumption recording. What will the ambitious targets set by the amended version of the EED mean for the housing industry? Is there a need to act? Stephan Kiermeyer, CEO of the noventic subsidiary KALO, answers the most pressing questions.