noventic talk with Marco Hofmann, ZIA Committee Chairman for Digitalisation, and Dr Dirk Then, Managing Director of noventic GmbH, on the topic of data, digitalisation and climate protection in the housing industry.
The energy transition debate has long since moved from 'if' to 'how' - the goals of reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions could not be more relevant today.
Professor Dr. Andreas Pfnür, of Darmstadt Technical University (TU Darmstadt), and noventic Managing Director Dr. Dirk Then discuss the noventic study, in which 1,000 tenants were asked about their role in climate protection in the housing industry. How great is their willingness to participate in residential housing climate protection? And what role do costs, automated processes, digitisation and sharing consumption data play?
Germany's building stock is expected to be almost climate-neutral by 2050. To date the road to that goal has been very costly – and not successful enough. Now the GdW and the Economic Council are calling for a paradigm shift on the Federal Government's part.
The schoolchildren's initiative Plant-for-the-Planet was created in 2007 by nine-year-old Felix. His goal was to join together with children all round the world to plant trees and thereby contribute to saving the climate. The noventic group is glad to support this goal, and donated 2,500 trees at Christmas.
The reconciliation of climate protection and economic concerns is what Peter Altmaier, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, calls for in his opening speech at the 2020 Energy Transition Congress. His 20-point plan "Protecting the climate & strengthening the economy" lays the foundation for these concerns. The spotlight also falls on the real estate industry: how can the necessary efficiency potential in the building stock be realised through refurbishment concepts and digitisation? For the economy, Altmaier notes, the biggest problem is uncertainty, which could lead to a failure to make the investment needed. His approach is to create a clear framework over the long term, extending across several electoral terms.
School trips to the Klimahaus (Climate House) in Bremerhaven are something special: exciting, because that’s just the way it is with school trips. Intriguing, because the climate is transformed from something abstract into a tangible force. That is why noventic invited Hamburg fourth-year schoolchildren on a memorable day trip traversing different climatic zones along the eighth parallel of longitude.
The Climate Cabinet will be holding its first meeting this week. This newly created body’s remit is to come up with draft legislation whereby Germany will be able to meet its climate targets for 2030 and 2050. What new legislative initiatives the new Climate Cabinet will actually bring about remains doubtful. Similarly doubtful is whether the federal government will finally make climate protection a priority and swiftly get the necessary measures off the ground. That will also take time. As the Environment Ministry’s climate protection report revealed on publication in February, Germany is not doing enough to achieve the 2020 climate protection targets. To push ahead with ambitious climate protection targets, legislative action will be indispensable.
Legal initiatives like the EED were designed to help limit climate change and promote more efficient use of energy. The amended EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) was passed by the EU Council of Ministers at the end of last year. A key component of the new directive is the provision of all-year-round consumption information for residents and the requirement to use radio metering technology for consumption recording. What will the ambitious targets set by the amended version of the EED mean for the housing industry? Is there a need to act? Stephan Kiermeyer, CEO of the noventic subsidiary KALO, answers the most pressing questions.
If an investor is unable to realise a return because he does not receive repayment from the beneficiary of his investment for the newly created benefit, this is known as the investor-user dilemma. The legal requirements to modernise the energy efficiency of residential buildings in order to achieve the German government's climate targets by 2050 are a recurring problem. This is why the term landlord-tenant dilemma is also used in this context.