Christmas fund-raiser: We’re helping “Der Hafen hilft!”
COVID has disrupted many things, including our Christmas traditions and customs. One thing remains unaltered, though: not everybody will see their wishes come true this Christmas.
That is why we, the employees of the noventic group in Hamburg, would like to help by donating to the regional charity “Der Hafen hilft!”. Through its “Aktion Tannenbaum 2021!”, the charity aims to make the Christmas wishes of people living in social care institutions come true.
Christmas post | Ho ho ho

Through our workforce we have long since supported initiatives that do good at the turn of the year. For example, the “Wunschzettel-Tannenbaum” (Wish List Christmas Tree) campaign by Hamburger Tafel , which makes personal wishes come true for low-income families at Christmas.
This year, the donations of our Hamburg employees will be going to “Aktion Tannenbaum 2021”, staged by “Der Hafen hilft!”. The charity’s mission is to bring Christmas joy to social institutions and make residents’ individual gift wishes come true.
For this purpose, the charity's members collect wish lists, comprising wishes for both personal use or to themselves be able to give family and friends a nice present. Last year, for example, the residents of a retirement home asked for plenty of toys to be able to give to their grandchildren at Christmas.
“Aktion Tannenbaum 2021” is a great project close to our hearts, which we are very happy to support. When the campaign closes, the total sum donated will be doubled by the noventic group, so that this Christmas will be a joyful celebration for as many people as possible.