
To put it in the words of Herbert Grönemeyer in his song Einfach sein (Easy): Es könnte alles so einfach sein – ist es aber nicht. (It could all be so easy, but it is not). Two companies have already been granted certification for their smart meter gateways by the Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik - BSI). One of these is a strategic partner of noventic, the Mannheim firm Power Plus Communications AG (PPC), followed recently by Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus GmbH. However, the snag is that the Germany-wide roll-out cannot commence until three companies have been certified.
Industry stands ready
Due to the lack of certification of a third smart meter gateway provider, the digitisation of the energy transition remains on the back burner. The metering sector is waiting in the starting blocks, but bureaucratic obstacles are holding up the starting shot! It is high time this was solved, for the sake of the people of Germany, the sector and climate protection. A transitional solution must be found so that the roll-out can finally begin.
Opportunities from smart meter gateways
The smart meter gateway is much more than just a digital metering infrastructure. It is one component of the answer to the question of how to combine climate protection with affordable living space and fundamental to certain essential requirements for future residential living. For example, the smart meter gateway permits applications which, with the aid of machine-to-machine communication, boost energy efficiency while reducing operating costs. Smart meter gateways facilitate the provision of consumption information throughout the year, as well as modern applications which provide warnings of mildew in living areas, and also of leaks, thus averting the need for expensive renovation work.
Act now:
All that and more is possible through an infrastructure which will have to be installed by law in any case. So, what are we still waiting for?