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noventic study: the role of the tenant in climate protection in residential housing.

Climate protection in the building sector needs quick successes. A study commissioned by the noventic group on the role of tenants in climate protection shows that tenants are willing to make greater climate protection efforts within their own four walls, provided the cost, convenience and simplicity are right. To achieve rapid CO2 savings, the 1,000 tenant households surveyed showed a high level of acceptance of both the automation of heating and hot water supply and sharing of their own consumption data.


In 2020, the building sector was the only one which failed to meet the targets set by the Federal Government's Climate Protection Act. Drawn up as a matter of urgency, the emergency programme for greater climate protection was delivered on time, but the expert report commissioned by the ministries in charge condemned it as being too slow. This highlights the fact that current climate protection strategies, with its building physics-based focus on the owners and producers of buildings, are no longer sufficient in themselves.

Accordingly the current study, commissioned by the noventic group, sheds light on the role of a previously neglected third group of people, the tenants. The study was conducted by Professor Andreas Pfnür, who is head of the Real Estate Research Group in the Department of Law and Economics at the Technical University of Darmstadt, as well as doctor of engineering Dr. Nikolas Müller.

Summary of the noventic study “The Role of the Tenant in Residential Climate Protection

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The study, in which 1,000 tenants were interviewed, came to the following findings: Tenants want to contribute more than has hitherto been possible to climate protection within their own four walls. In addition, over two-thirds of tenants view efficient climate protection in residential housing as impossible without their involvement. The empirical findings showed that the key to more sustainable energy use by tenants lies in better, easy to understand and relevant consumption information, as well as more effective heat control in people’s homes. Tenant acceptance of the low-investment digital solutions necessary to increase household energy efficiency is high. This applies both to automation and to sharing consumption data.

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The study’s authors

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Pfnür

    Technical University of Darmstadt

    University Professor and Head of the Real Estate Research Group in the Department of Law and Economics at the Technical University of Darmstadt

  • Dr.-Ing. Nikolas Müller

    Technical University of Darmstadt

    Habilitand (post-doctoral researcher) at the Department of Law and Economics at the Technical University of Darmstadt

To overview

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