
We have followed the development of the app with great interest. After all, it offers the opportunity to make an effective contribution to solving a complex, detailed task by means of digitisation. It offers the opportunity to protect the health of our employees, our customers and our customers’ customers, i.e., the residents. By doing so it lays the foundation for greater freedom of movement and further relaxation of COVID-19-related regulations, thereby promoting economic stability.
There are critical voices and legitimate concerns about the COVID-19 contact tracing app, but at present we should move forward in a spirit of curiosity and use any tools that can help keep the pandemic in check at reasonable expense and effort. The app can help to keep infection rates down, then, allowing the relaxations to be maintained and extended.
This digital solution will only be fully effective if as many people as possible participate. The more people download the application, the better the system will work. We look forward to seeing how effective the intelligent use of these data-based digital solutions for combating a pandemic will prove to be.